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    Prices on translations depends on language pair, length and difficulty of the text and on how urgent the project is. I use rate per source word or per source page (one page in source language equals 1560 characters with spaces). I add extra +50 % to the urgent projects' fees if I have to work during evenings, holidays or weekends to get a project finished.

    Texts that include terminology from the areas of expertise (marketing, IT and technical) cost a bit more than other kind of texts. For regular translation projects a discount can be discussed.

    Prices include VAT 25.5 % in Finland.

    The best way to find out the price for a translation is to ask for an offer.

    For proofreading, revisions and production of text the price is 35 EUR per hour (+ VAT 25.5 % in Finland).

    Terms of payment max. 30 days net.